You Can Get a Full Size LMD 2500 stroke sander with more to offer!
LMD 2500 Plus
The LMD 2500 is a long belt machine with a flexible abrasive belt which enables the work of flat surfaces as well as corners or edges of materials. This machine is right for curved shapes, square tubes, metal sheets and as well as for weld removing on boxes.
This machine now includes an additional deburring and edge rounding head capable for interchanging grinding discs, scotch pads and abrasive brushes. This allows you to get deburring and edge rounding within a stroke sander.
The table is adjustable and is especially useful when working on large dimensions and heavy weight components.

With the LMD2500 Plus the table is motorized for easy movement. It can use the adaptability of the long belt together with the new interchangeable grinding tools, manual pads and new deburring and edge rounding head to work the surfaces and edges you wish to finish.